Nominations must be submitted to the Secretary of Convention, The Rev. Dr. Marda Steedman Sanborn electronically at, no later than 6:00 pm PDT on March 10, 2024.
Accompanying the nomination by petition must be:
- A statement of willingness and consent by the nominee to be nominated.
- The nominee’s name, address, evening, daytime, and cell telephone numbers, together with a statement of the nominee’s current employment and the diocese of canonical residence.
- The name of the individual nominating the nominee. The individual nominating the nominee may be from either order and must be qualified to vote in the Special Convention.
- The nominee must submit the following with their nomination:
- A cover letter addressing the nominee’s call to this position;
- A headshot, bio and resume
- The nominee’s Office for Transition Ministry profile;
- Answers to the following questions, which shall be no longer than 500 words:
- What does Becoming Beloved Community mean to you? What experiences do you have walking with people on the road to racial reconciliation, healing, and justice? How have you engaged ministries of reconciliation in your own vocation and career? What are the most important things you have learned along the way?
- Why this Diocese? Why now? Explain what excites you about the Diocese of Olympia. What do you find daunting/challenging and why?
- Why do you think that there are declining numbers in the Episcopal Church, and what is your vision for supporting Episcopal communities to find a new vitality? What are some examples of how you have addressed this in other settings?
- We are a geographically large and diverse Diocese (some congregations are ferry access only or 3+ hours’ drive away from the diocesan office). How will you engage in relationship building and getting to know the Diocese?
- The nominee will be required to undergo a thorough background check. The Background check will involve a review of the nominees’ financial history, credit, employment history, disciplinary history, and other areas—including an interview by the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. The results will be shared with a review committee consisting of the President of the Standing Committee, a representative from the Joint Board for the Election of a Bishop, the Co-chairs of the Search Committee, Chancellor, and Vice Chancellor. If, in the judgment of a vote by a majority of this Committee, after review of the background check results, a nominee has failed the background check due to disqualifying information, they shall forward a recommendation, the background check results, and the name of the nominee from the floor to the Standing Committee.
The Standing Committee may, based on the disqualifying information, disqualify the nominee from the floor from consideration.
- A nominee who has been disqualified may appeal the decision to a vote of the Convention. In such a case, all background check results and information will be forwarded to the Convention members for review as part of the appeal process.
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