5 Responses

  1. I have just heard (3/13/24) that the Transition Committee intends to vet all questions to be submitted to the candidates during the Meet-and-Greet sessions and not allow questions during the event ‘from the floor.’ I am deeply disturbed by this. I do not doubt this is well-intentioned; however, I can speak from personal experiences, both as a finalist in two bishop searches, as a spouse of a candidate in two others, and as a voting member in 3 other bishop’s elections, that in every one of them questions from attendees were welcomed without requiring that the questions be vetted in advance. Your decision has the appearance of controlling what questions can be asked and what not, and of ignoring questions that might emerge during the Q&As as a result of a candidate’s answer. We, who are expected to accept one of these four individuals as bishop, have a right to ask ‘in-the-moment’ questions, and you have a responsibility to allow it.

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