Special Electing Convention
May 18, 2024 – Agenda
*All times are estimates and may change as the election proceeds
Updated Monday, May 13
9:30 am: Call to Order / Welcome / Land Acknowledgement
- Morning Prayer – Worship Booklet, page 2
10:00 am: Introductions / Rules of Order / Agenda / Practice votes
10:15 am: Presentation of the slate
10:20 am: First ballot
Following each ballot: The ballot is processed, there is communication with all nominees, and the next ballot is prepared.
11:00 am: Report of the First ballot / Second ballot – Worship Booklet, page 6
11:40 am: Report of the Second ballot / Third ballot – Worship Booklet, page 8
12:00 pm: Lunch break (lunch provided)
1:15 pm: Report of the Third ballot / Fourth ballot – Worship Booklet, page 10
Additional ballot reports and ballots as required; each takes 20-40 minutes.
Once there is an election:
- Report of the Final ballot
- Announcement of the election – Worship Booklet, page 15
- Testimonial & Consent to the election (All voting members participate in this process onsite at the Cathedral and should plan to remain present through this process).
- Hear from the Bishop-Elect.
- Adjournment
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