Dear People of the Diocese of Olympia,
The Bishop Search Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the diocesan profile. This milestone takes us into the next phase of our search process…attracting candidates. The profile is comprised of a broad range of information gathered from clergy, parishioners, diocesan staff, and so much more. The result is an extensive picture of who we are, where we live, who we serve, and what are our strengths and weaknesses. Importantly, it defines who we want in a leader who will build upon what we have done well and will take us into the future.
We need your help! Do you know, or know of someone, whom you see as our next bishop? Do you have contacts or networks to share our profile with (see the link below)? We don’t want to miss reaching out to “the” candidate God has already identified as our next bishop. If you know someone, please reach out to them directly. Candidate application deadline is November 15.
The Search Committee wants to thank you again for your support through the search process. Information gleaned from many conversations and the survey was critical in completing the profile of the diocese and the of our next bishop. The Committee appreciates your ongoing prayers as we enter this new phase of the search process.
Peace in Christ,
The Bishop Search Committee