We need your input!
Holy Conversations are about to begin and will continue throughout the month of August. Click on the link below to find a location, date, and time that is most convenient for you. Zoom will be available in some locations.
All members of the Diocese of Olympia are invited to share in a conversation about our hopes for the next bishop. The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions. We want to hear what you believe to be the skills, qualities, and gifts our next bishop will ideally have that will lead our Diocese forward in the next 10 to 15 years. What are the most critical issues facing the Diocese of Olympia?
The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia.

Coming in August!… Holy Cow Survey
We want to hear from all of you!
The Holy Cow survey is an additional way for you to be involved in contributing to the bishop profile. Participate and share your feedback and opinions with us regarding the diocese, hopes for the future, and desires for our new bishop.
The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete, and all your responses will be confidential. Any data the Search Committee receives back will not be tied to individual identifying information. Once the survey has opened, please complete the survey by August 31.
Would love to do the survey