We need your input!
The Bishop Search Committee invites all members of the Diocese of Olympia to share in a conversation about our hopes for the next bishop.
During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.” The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions. The data gathered in the Holy Conversations will help form the core of the diocesan profile – the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia.
We want to hear what you believe to be the skills, qualities, and gifts our next bishop will ideally have that will lead our diocese forward in the next ten to fifteen years. What are the most critical issues facing the Diocese of Olympia? All of your input will be compiled and compared to help us discern more clearly where the Holy Spirit is leading us in this critical work.
Holy Conversations will be held in each region of the diocese. Specific locations, dates, and times for the Holy Conversations will be published next week.
The Bishop Search Committee knows our work cannot flourish without your prayers, and we are grateful for them. We look forward to seeing you at a Holy Conversation in the coming weeks!
Thank you all on this committee for you dedication to this election of a new Bishop, in a very interesting time in the diocese, and in the world we live in.
I invite us all to pray for the people of Tiwan, they are members of Province 8 as we are.
Hope to meet with you all soon on this road we are walking together.
I would like to participate, thanks for the invitation, please keep me posted.
A Christian with a true pastor’s heart: that’s what I long to have as our bishop. Can they recognize their own potential to be harmful, even abusive? Are they aware of their own ambitions and self-oriented perspectives, which so often lead them to mistreat the people entrusted to their care? I want them to credibly talk about ways they have taken care of people, respected people, empathized with people. I want a real shepherd.
I feel strongly that our Bishop, nor any church member, should comment on political situations. Most offensive to me was Bishop Greg’s comment on the outcome of the George Floyd trial. I agree with his comments that we should respect all human life. I am offended, however, when my church crosses the line and ties comments to political events.
I hope our new bishop offers important perspectives, of course, but shows restraint by not relating to politics.
Thank you,